Isabella of Austria birth

Isabella of Austria was born 18 July 1501 in Brussels.

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Isabella of Austria with her weapon and with a doll when she is about 2 years old.

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Close-up of Isabella of Austria with her doll.

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Close-up of Isabella of Austria

Joanna and Philip really needed to go to Spain though since they were already summoned a year ago to come to Spain since Joanna had become the new heir apparent after the deaths of her older brother and sister and their young first-borns. So the 4th of november, only 3,5 month, after Isabella’s birth they left their three young children Eleonore of Austria, Charles V and Isabella of Austria behind to travel to Spain. The kids we’re left in the care of Philips step-grandmother Margaret of York.

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Family portrait of Eleanor of Austria, Charles V and Isabella of Austria.

Goedenavond lieve vrienden, Hilde

8 thoughts on “Isabella of Austria birth

  1. Isabella of Austria was such a sweet baby. I love this picture. I have seen it before. It is so nice to see Eleanor of Austria, Charles the Fifth and Isabella of Austria as children. It is sad that their youngest sister, Catalina of Austria and Ferdinand of Austria could not be with them. It is interesting how Eleanor of Austria, Charles the Fifth, Isabella of Austria and Mary of Austria were raised up in Flanders and Ferdinand of Austria and Catalina of Austria were raised up in Spain.


  2. Yes I love that she holds that doll to remind us that she’s actually a young child. Her brother Charles V was almost going to be betrothed when Isabella was born even though he was only 1,5 years older than her (waaaaay to young).


  3. I know. It was the times. It was power and politics. Those people did not have proper childhoods. There is being educated and there is being educated but for example the way Mary the First of England was educated and she was just an example was unreal. French and Latin and Theology and Italian and History and Astronomy and Aristole and Plato and Seneca and all kinds of things and all this before she was ten? You know what I mean. These people were not people, they were objects to be moved about as the political situation required. It must have been seriously painful and yet I am sure these people knew it. The only reason Charles the Fifth married Isabella of Portugal was because she came with one million marivadis. He would much rather have married Mary the First of England because he loved Catherine of Aragon and imagine if they had, eh, it would have been awesome because then Mary the First would have had children and heirs for Henry the Eight and Catherine of Aragon would have been estatic. But Charles the Fifth needed those one million maraivadis to fight the damn Turks. They took over Hungry. Sad but true. Mary the First of England and Charles the Fifth should have wed and then everything would have been right with the world.

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